Why Efor Çay - Efor Çay
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Why Efor Çay

Why Efor Çay?

Efor Çay, which is aware of the traditional value of tea and sets out with the principle of "not compromising on quality of tea", is one of the top 5 tea brands in Turkiye that steers the sector with its innovative vision and quality line. With its high and sustainable quality, it has rapidly become the favorite brand for a plenty of consumers. Efor Çay continues to offer its consumers quality, 100% natural and budget-friendly products suitable for all tastes.

Why Efor Çay?

Production with care

Efor Çay, which started its activities in 2005, today realizes approximately 10% of Turkey's annual tea sales in its 49.000 m2 fresh tea processing and packaging facilities in the Black Sea region. Efor Çay has become one of the top five tea brands in Turkey in a short time and nowadays continues its investments in aim to become a sector leader. While introducing the unique quality of Turkish tea to the world with its exports to different countries around the world, it also gains added value to the country's economy.


Efor Çay, which operates two fresh tea processing facilities and 3 packaging facilities in Trabzon Of, packaging in Artvin Arhavi1, fresh tea processing in Arhavi2 and packaging in Tuzla, Istanbul, produces a total of 830 tons/day of fresh tea production capacity. Efor Çay is one of the companies with the largest fresh tea processing capacity in Turkey with its 550 tons of tea processing facility in Trabzon/Of, with black tea, herbal teas in its new facility established on an area of ​​15,000 m2 on a land of 30,000 m2 in Erbaa, Tokat. In addition to the production of tea and ice tea, it plans to start coffee production by breaking a new ground within its own structure.

5 TOP Tea Brands Türkiye'nin En İyi 5 Çay Üreticisinden biri olma başarısı
49.000 ㎡ Üretim Tesisi
1011 tons per day Yaş Çay Üretim Kapasitesi
Quality and Food Safety Policy

Quality and Food Safety Policy

We know the importance of quality and food safety policy for the highest standards. So, Efor Çay prioritizes food safety in all processes from soil to glass, constantly controls it and carries out production in accordance with legal regulations. It raises the awareness of both domestic producers and employees with trainings on quality and food safety. It constantly improves itself to keep customer satisfaction at the highest level. While making technological investments that will increase efficiency, it works non-stop to offer innovative products to its sector and customers. We are concerned about human health and the environment so Efor Çay also works to reduce pollution and waste as well as protect natural resources.

High Quality Tea Production

High quality starts from the soil. That is why we use organic and semi-organic fertilizers instead of chemical ones. By switching to a rejuvenation program instead of pruning the plant in tea fields, we can always get fresh young leaves from the field. We also apply strict control mechanism during tea purchase process so we motivate  tea producers to provide us fresh tea leaves of high quality. In addition, the fact that the harvest is collected in highand with 2.5 leaves indicates a high quality of tea.

Fresh tea leaves arrive at the facility where they are processed in the withering, rolling, fermentation and oven stages according to their purpose and classified according to their quality during the sorting. All stages are of great importance. However, the decisive factor in the formation of aroma, smell, astringency and ideal color in tea is the fermentation stage.

High Quality Tea Production

Stages of black tea production

Black tea production process includes 5 stages: 5 main processes are applied: Withering, Rolling, Fermentation, Drying and Sorting

The water is evaporated by the hot air and the tea leaf gets smaller, so it makes it suitable for the rolling process. The 70-80% water proportion in the fresh tea leaves decreases to 50-55%.


It is the process of crushing, breaking, bending the wilted tea leaf in different tea manufacturing machines, spreading the cell sap on the rolled leaf surface and initiating oxidation.


Fermentation is the formation of the desired color, astringency, shine, odor and aroma in black tea by undergoing biological changes with the effect of the oxidase enzyme of the chemical compounds in the cell sap of the rolled fresh tea leaf. As a result of fermentation, the green color of the tea leaf changes to copper-red, resulting in a pleasant apple-scented aroma.

Drying (Oven)
Drying (Oven)

It is the process of reducing the moisture rate to 2-4% by baking the rolled and fermented tea leaves. The purpose of drying is to stop the enzyme oxidation, to create an environment that will prevent the loss of the acquired characteristics and substances, and to make the tea storable, packaged and transportable.


It is the process of separating the baked teas according to their fineness, thickness and quality by passing them through standardized sieves.

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